Possibly the best village in ……?
Saturday February 15th 2025

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Clubs and Societies

Martley Church has the oldest peal of six bells in the country : Bellringing

Cricket:  More

Fishing  Cob House – a great day out for all the family: More

Football – Martley Spurs (TBA)

Martley has a thriving geological society to based around the unique geological diversity to be found in the parish

Guides, Brownies and Rainbows:  Sue Ganderton 01905 422711

Horticultural Society: Contact Dave Cropp 01886 888398

Movies in Martley-2nd Saturday in the month- Pat Owen 01886 888406 or patowen1946@gmail.com

Little Witley Film Society:   Jean Latham 01886 888122

Martley Amateur Dramatics Society:  Janet Eggleton (Secretary) or Ruth Price Mohr 01886 821336

Martley and Villages Carers Group:   This group closed in August 2010 but please contact Helen Lubin on 01905 730683 for details of other groups run by the Worcestershire Association of Carers in the locality

Martley Folk Club:  Meets 1st Wednesday in the month at The Talbot, Knightwick

Martley Recreation Association (Playing fields): To book or for more information: Gordon Griffiths 01886 888 602

Martley Toddlers Group:  Tuesdays 09.00 to 11.00, term time only at Martley Memorial Hall.  Pat Owen-01886 888 406 or patowen1946@gmail.com

Martley Pre school-Kath/ Jo-01889127 www.martleypreschool.co.uk

Martley WI:  Helen Coombey-Jones 01886 888294 and Marian Cumella 01886 888 797

Martley Young Farmers:  Club leader –Callum Cole 07940 705 139    or  Martley Young Farmers on Facebook

Nora Parsons Day Centre : Janet Dale (Secretary): 01886 888472

The Path-or-Nones: Martley has a thriving group of footpath maintenance volunteers who regularly meet, usually 9am Fridays for a morning’s work, at Martley Memorial Hall.  Let John Nicklin know martleypfo@gmail.com if you wish to come along as meeting arrangements do vary.

Reading Group:  Cheryl Pearsall 01886 888793 – a small, friendly group that meets in the evening every six week or so to discuss books chosen by members

Sports Martley at Chantry School   01886 888999 More

Martley Memorial hall:  Hire the hall, join the committee or join the 100 Club-Pat Owen-01886 888 406 or patowen1946@gmail.com

Martley is part of the Walkers are Welcome network.  Also see information about the Geopark Way and walks around Martley under Visit Martley

Walking: Martley Ramblers meet once a month (usually 2nd Sunday) for guided walks around Martley and the local area. For further details, ring  John and Jenny Taylor-01886 888 357  01886 888439.

Wichenford Local Heritage Group:  Contact Heather Rendall 01886 888239

Whitbourne Angling Club: Ian or Gabrielle on 01886 822075 (evenings only)