For everyone …
Every month in the Villager and Footprints, our local village magazines, there is the article from Rev’d. David Sherwin – Church Words. Do you read it ? Perhaps you think it is only for those who regularly attend church. This is not the case, it is for everyone just as the church itself is at the heart of each village community, for everyone. The bi-monthly services at Heaton House are not only for those who live there but for anyone who would like to come and especially those who find getting to the church itself on a Sunday difficult. These gatherings highlight the fact that ‘church’ is not the building itself, important though all our churches are with the history and heritage which they bring to our life, but it is ‘the people’ who are ‘the Body of Christ’ – those who gather to praise and worship God in Christ. Just as we value and care for these places of worship so we value and care for all in our communities.
The Pastoral Care Team
The Benefice of Martley, Wichenford and The Lower Teme Valley is such a wide area to cover that it’s not possible for the Clergy to be in touch with as many people as they would like. We have therefore assembled a Pastoral Care Team with members drawn from each parish. Lay Visitors – people who know you and whom you know. When it comes to visiting they are ‘the church’. Janet Andrews, Sheila Richards, Jean Hyslop, June Lawrence, Helen Sandison, Sue Ganderton, Ursula Baker, Maureen Kings, Jay Popplewell, Caroline Smith and Helen Walker are those who will call, bring a cheerful smile, lend a sympathetic ear, have a friendly chat and respond to a need where possible. Of course David, Bruce, Jennifer Adrian and Jill, one of our Readers, still visit regularly and will always respond to a request to call but having a larger team enables the Church in this area to reflect more effectively and more widely, the love and compassion which Jesus showed during his time on earth. Those who have attended our Tea Parties, Tea Services the Advent Soup Lunch or come to LinC, (Lunch in Company) will know that our ladies give not only of their time but also of their considerable cooking skills!! The warm welcome, the feeling of love and genuine care at these gatherings bear witness to the inclusive nature of this ministry in our area.
Each one of us is a beloved child of God. He cares for all. We, the Church, care about everyone in our communities. Please don’t be afraid to ask for a visit. We are there for you.
Jennifer (Jennifer Whittaker, Associate Priest)
01886 833897
January 2010