The sundial is situated on the south wall of St Peter’s Church tower, with its golden sunburst and three crosses glistening (when the sun obliges!). Visitors can study both sides of the interesting, laminated sheet of information about it and how it works, which is inside the church. The dial was dedicated at Harvest Festival Evensong on 28 September 2008, which was also “Back to Church” Sunday.
Raising and fixing the sundial was a long and delicate procedure requiring precision and patience. Of course, tower scaffolding was needed too. We are most grateful to David Brown who has taken so much trouble to produce the dial and to his wife, Jenny, on “fixing day”, and to Ted and Stuart for their assistance on the day and Catrine, Brian and Tony for much-needed preparation work of various sorts – and to everyone else involved. We feel that Basil Haines would approve of his memorial !