Possibly the best village in ……?
Friday January 24th 2025

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Martley Archives

Life in Martley

Business Listings
There are a surprising number of businesses in the area. When we compiled the index, it just kept growing. Remember you are eligible for a FREE entry on our listings IF you live in Martley or Wichenford or you run a businesses based in Martley or Wichenford or you live in Martley or Wichenford and run a business elsewhere. Please email us and give us your details, we will do the rest. Go to Business Listings.

Clubs, Societies, Pastimes
From football to line dancing, amateur dramatics to gardening there is an amazing variety of activities in the Martley and Wichenford. We are building this index, PLEASE let us know your details, the service is FREE one.  Go to Listing.

Martley Web Mesh
MWM has provided affordable broadband in the area since 2006 and is expanding all the time, with improving equipment and faster speeds. Our methods continue to be the focus of much interest from both county and district councils as well as radio and TV. We seem to be succeeding where the big players have no financial incentive, thus leaving many rural districts with very poor Internet connections. More…

Parish Councillors and Martley Parish Council
Parish councillors are volunteers and parish councils are statutory bodies. Members are elected for a term of four years and councils are funded principally by an annual precept. Income and expenditure for the next financial year are calculated in the form of estimates. The net amount (the precept) is added to council tax, collected by the county, borough or district council (principal authorities) and paid to parishes in two six-monthly instalments. Parish and town councils can apply for other funding such as grant and funding awards, but they do not receive funds direct from central government, as principal authorities do.

Go to Martley Parish Council matters on the Worcestershire County Council web site.


The Villager Magazine
The Villager serves the parishes of Martley and Wichenford and is a sought after reference and catch up for many residents, containing as it does adverts for over 90 businesses and services as well as details of parish council and many other local matters.  Go to Villager page…