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Martley Bellringers

Tower Master: Dave Crop 01886 888398

Martley tower,
… is one of 11 towers that form the Martley District Change Ringers Guild..
This Guild is part of a larger organisation: the Worcestershire & Districts Change Ringing Association, which was founded in 1882. The Martley Guild was formed in 1974 to promote the art and science of Change Ringing within the district and to foster a strong sense of fellowship amongst its members, working alongside the Association to do this.

Martley tower has 12 ringers. Practice is every Friday evening 7.45pm to 9.15pm and ringing for Sunday Services 9.45am to 10.30am on 1st, 2nd, 3rd Sundays.

The normal range of methods (bellringers music) is rung at Martley, but the ringers also have their own range of methods, devised for the tower by local ringer Dave Cropp.

The names of these are Martley Pears Doubles, Martley Pears Minor, Martley Triple Severn Pleasure, Martley St. Peter’s Steps, Martley Vernon and Martley Pears Cinques.

We do not charge to join Martley bellringers, but we do subscribe £2.00 per person per year to the Martley District Change Ringers Guild. We also pay £6.00 per person per year to the Worcestershire & Districts Change Ringing Association, with a reduction for the more junior and senior members.

Links to ‘Bell’ Sites

The Bells of Martley – read all about them

The Sound of  Bells :    Download bell tuning software

Central Council of Church Bell Ringers (CCCBR )

250 year  (1923) and 300 year (1973) anniversary peals

The bellringers of 1973

Ringing World
