Possibly the best village in ……?
Saturday February 15th 2025

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To add photos we use Easy Rotator (top right in Visual)> It installs a program on your computer -where you have the photos etc and you can then assemble and order them as well as put in a comment (quite large comments are allowed) then upload into your post or page

See http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/easyrotator-for-wordpress/installation/


To upload and link to documents (.pdf etc) follow the link below – the Download button is up there if you want to use it


Download button to put into post/page

Link to Button http://www.martley.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/download.png or go to Upload/Insert>Media Library> August 2012>Filter>Show>put in link to Document uploaded>Insert into post

Readers Comments

2 Responses ... “Help”

  1. Colin Davis says:

    Hi, I read your article on George Howard Heaton (1908 – 1993) with interest. I am researching a boat owned by his cousin, Geoffrey Basil Wright (1895 – 1980) and wondered whether any of the Heaton family were still local?
    Many thanks

  2. Jordan Taylor says:

    Hi there,

    I stumbled upon this page via a forum for WISP enthusiasts and I’m currently doing some research into the feasibility of a wireless ISP in the Newcastle / North East area. I was wondering if you had any info on the ISP / Wholesale side of things and whether you leased your lines with BT or not as I’m struggling to find a product on their website that fits my needs for a 1Gbps access point / re seller plan.

    Any info you have on where you sourced your broadband would be greatly appreciated.