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Saturday February 15th 2025

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Martley Web Mesh

Martley Web Mesh

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MWM-layout 7:8:15


Direct Debit Mandate for Martley Web Mesh
Cleaning Solar Panels for the Winter

For years, Martley and its surrounding hamlets was unable to get high-speed internet connections due to the distance from telephone exchanges, the difficult landscape and a lack of investment in the ageing infrastructure.

In 2005, a small group of local stalwarts created Martley Web Mesh, a not-for-profit company, limited by guarantee, company number 5451060. Initially financed by the chairman, Richard Jackman, a couple of years into the project they applied for and received a £5000 Nexus grant via Community First. The project uses wireless technology and line of sight antennae to supply broadband a fibre connection and also a FTTC connection, to members in the surrounding area.

MWM is run by a small team of volunteers – J Richard Jackman, John Nicklin, Alasdair Maxwell Stewart,and Margaret Colburn – and currently services over 110members with two or three times that number of connected computers, including local businesses, the local B&B and the village hall. A spokesperson for MWM stated that “for a long time, the inability to secure broadband coverage in the village had caused us all sorts of problems.” He continued “MWM is a cooperative scheme for local people, organised by local people and maintained and serviced by local people.”

As of January 2016 we have a Fibre line -initially 50/100 which should give our members much superior connectivity and faster connections. How much faster depends on what subscription they elect to use and the distance from the transmitter.

One of the biggest problems, apart from ensuring there is a line of sight view to the antenna, is the condition of some prospective members’ computers and the WiFi connectivity within their houses [we have been known to put in a 25mbps connection and further in to the house it has dropped to 8Mbs]! These often need ‘sorting out’ and this the team can do, not always for free. Certainly MWM has all the necessary kit and knowledge to deal with any computer and WiFi issues and their advice does come free.

The main stumbling block to expansion is the lack of willing persons to help develop and maintain the network, so, if you are of a technical bent and have some experience, for example in amateur radio, this could be an interesting and quite challenging opportunity with a ‘Big Society’ flavour.
Contacts: John Nicklin 01886 888318, Richard Jackman 01886 821237 or email (John Nicklin)



Readers Comments

13 Responses ... “Martley Web Mesh”

  1. Dear Sir or Madam,

    I live in the WR6 5NS post code at Allsetts Farm between Martley and Broadheath. Sometimes your network is visible to me and I wonder whether I could join?

    I hear that Sky is about to roll out internet access via satellite, might be interesting!

    Kind Regards, Martin Addison-Smith

  2. Tim Duckworth says:

    I am moving into Laugherne Park next week and have already acquired a BT hub which says that it can do circa 8.0/6.0 according to its own check system. Initial performance certainly does not look like it!

    I would be interested in joining your Mesh – I want to drive two Skyboxes and several laptops/i-pads etc.

  3. Hello the Martley A Team.

    It’s that time again: am I able to subscribe to the Martley Web Mesh?
    I know that it’s now very close to us. Now would be a lovely time to join the virtual community.

    Very best wishes,


  4. Bryn hopkinson says:

    Would like to join.
    We are in Camp Lane Shelsley Beauchamp and have Stamford Church in direct line of site
    Look forward to hearing
    Many thanks

  5. Fred Lee says:

    I live in Shelsely Beauchamp behind the church will it be possible now to be able to join Martley Mesh?
    If so please contact me as I will need a better connection than poor old BT can give me I will be working 2 days from home and part of the deal is I have fast broadband.
    Best regards

    Fred Lee
    Shelsley Beaucham
    WR6 6RA

  6. Phil Glarvey says:

    Hi. I wanted to see if you could provide the service in the area of The Kedges, Wichenford? Regards. Phil

  7. William Sutherland says:

    We live at wr66re Manor Lane and experience very slow broadband speeds (max 5.5mg). Please contact me to see if we can receive a signal from the Martley Web Mesh.

  8. Andrew Leschallas says:

    We would be interested to look into this. We live at Gurnox Cottage, WR6 6PL, Just above Upper Gurnox Farm. Would it work for us? many thanks Andrew

  9. John Watts says:

    we are currently with BT broadband We are having real problems with internet connection which is intermittent at best ! We live at WR6 6QQ and I notice that one of our neighbours appears to have a Martley Mesh antennae.please can you give us more information



  10. Sean says:

    Hi MWM team… We have just moved to the area living on fetterlocks lane.. I wanted to see if it might be possible to get connected from here?

    I would be happy for a tall mast to be attached to our chimney stack (3 stories high) as I am sure that would connect and would act as an antenna for others within the vicinity…please let me know.. thanks, Sean..

  11. Alastair Gordon says:

    Hello we are at Carters Cottage Shelsley Kings next door to Brian Meddings who recommends you. We are heavy laptop users but not “gamers” and are with BT who as we all know are circa 3~4Mbps and intermittent. I also use mobile over wifi.The whole service is now creaky with more people working from home.
    We would be very pleased to speak with someone (01299 896764 &/or 0777 617 7957) to establish what you can offer.
    Can some-one email in the first instance to arrange a phone call to suit?

    Many thanks
    Alastair GORDON

  12. Sharon says:

    Hi, I hope to move into Hop End, Horsham (WR6 6PN) soon. I’d heard about Martley Mesh and wondered if I could get it at this property. Can you help please? Any information would be appreciated.