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Saturday February 15th 2025

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Martley Footpath Network
The Parish of Martley has a network of footpaths, made up of 296 separate links, total length around 42 miles (60km footways, 7km bridleways).
In 1949, and as part of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act, parishes were instructed to map and describe footpaths and bridleways that were in common use in their parishes. After a period of consultation and negotiation the remaining routes were enshrined in law as Rights of Way, thus giving us our network of public access routes throughout England and Wales that we see today.

Recently more and more interest has been shown in opening and maintaining these paths all over the country, after all, as a walker you have as much right to be on them as you do on any public road.
In 1989, a group of volunteers was established under the leadership of Mr Keith Trumper. The purpose of the group was assist the county to open up and maintain all of the rights of way in Martley for all to enjoy, and in this the group has been singularly successful. Martley is well known to have one of the most complete and well signposted networks anywhere in the County–99% open. The group has a strange name–brainstormed in a local pub, probably after too many ales—“The Path-or-Nones” from the Greek (obviously). In fact, in the British Museum there is a whole gallery (The Parthenon Gallery) devoted to us (unusually, for such an august institution they had trouble with the spelling—we have complained). We meet for 2-3 hours, third Sunday of each month, tackling anything from clearance of undergrowth to the installation of bridges and stiles. Do join us, we meet at about 0930, outside The Crown. In the maximum growth months, we often go out during the week, to clear paths with our up to date rugged wheeled strimming machines.
Worcestershire County Council supplies materials free of charge and covers our expenses, in a scheme known as the Parish Paths Partnership (P3), locally administered by Martley Parish Council. To liaise between walkers, landowners and the County, a local person is appointed as Parish Paths Warden, currently John Nicklin of The Chandlery.
The Path-or-Nones do not organise walks, this is left to others, such as Martley Ramblers, but they have produced a set of ten pamphlets for circular walks in the parish. These are available from our web site as a FREE download.

Long Distance and Circular Routes
Worcestershire Count Council promotes the lovely Worcestershire Way, a 31 mile traverse of some of the county’s most beautiful ridges and vales from Bewdley to Malvern.
As stated above there are ten locally written walks to download at no charge on the Path-or-Nones site. These range in length from 1.5 to 6.5 miles.
Elsewhere on the village web site you can learn about local geology which is unsurpassed in its variety. There is a 109 mile route, the Geoparkway from Bridgnorth to Gloucester with a superbly illustrated guide book and also the Martley Geology Walk of around 6 miles that starts and finishes at the local church. Fully illustrated and descriptive pamphlet available at local outlets and on the route.
Finally Worcestershire County Council has designated a route known as the Martley Circular Walk, again around 6 miles long, start and finish below the church where a large information board and leaflets are available.

Walkers are Welcome
Martley was the first parish in Worcestershire and the 13th in Britain to achieve ‘Walkers are Welcome’ status. This organisation sets standards for the facilities walkers need to feel welcome in an area.

The Path-or-Nones
Martley Ramblers
Walkers are Welcome
Hereford and Worcester Earth Heritage Trust
Worcestershire County Council Definitive Map
Report a Right of Way Defect or Problem
Worcestershire Way long distance trail

Readers Comments

4 Responses ... “Walking”

  1. David Fisher says:

    Hi, Just wanted to say a big ‘Thank you’ to the local volunteers who made our recent Circular walk around Martley such a lovely day out and great walking experience. Of all the countryside walks we’ve completed, I have to say that the Martley circular walk was the best sign posted and easy to follow walk of all. The map & guide were easy to follow and all the way markers and signs were very well maintained and positioned expertly, as were all the gates and stiles. Once again, many thanks, and we look forward to walking around Martley again in the summer.

  2. Dave Cropp says:

    Dear David

    So pleased you enjoyed Martley – hopefully you picked up a range of the free leaflets the village centre. We are hoping to re-run our “Three Pubs Walk” from Martley The Crown via The Admiral Rodney to The talbot Knightwick – with free shuttle back

    Let me know if you’re interested (takes about 3-4 hours plus pubs!!)

    Dave Cropp TVGS

  3. Hello

    I was wondering if any of you would be interested in joining us for a walk on the 1st September in aid of Bloodwise? We have three lovely walks starting from Cob house and would love to see as many people taking part. You can register now on the following link: https://bloodwise.org.uk/fundraising/events-challenges/cob-house-country-walk
    or on the day.
    These walks are ideal for all ages If you have any queries, do not hesitate to contact me

    Nicole Harris
    Bloodwise Bromsgrove and District