Possibly the best village in ……?
Saturday February 15th 2025

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St Peter’s, Martley, is one of around 50 Norman churches in the beautiful valley of the River Teme. It is an active church and of great historical interest. The original village was centred around it. Read more about the church and the community that surrounds it.


Martley has its own restricted hours doctors’ surgery with main centres at Great Witley and Knightwick.
Worcester Royal is the main hospital of the region with full accident and emergency services.

There is no permanent police presence in Martley. Call 0300 333 3000, but in an emergency, always use 999.

Memorial Hall

Martley Memorial Hall has several rooms, hall with stage and a bar and may be hired to suit almost any sized function at reasonable rates.


Martley has a library staffed by volunteers. It is situated at the Memorial Hall and opens
Mon. 2pm–7pm; Wed. 4pm-6pm; Thu. 10am-1pm; Fri. 2pm–4pm; Sat. 10am–noon.

A mobile library also visits Martley, for times see County Council Web Page and choose the Martley or Martley Hill timetable (they look the same to me).

Retail Outlets
Martley is most fortunate in the retail outlets that it possesses–a petrol and repair garage, a post office with a wide range of services and a Mace store with useful DIY section.

Public Houses

There is the Admiral Rodney at Berrow Green, 1 mile south along the B4197. 1 mile east towards Worcester on B4204 is The Mason’s Arms and at Knightwick with its own brewery sits The Talbot, an old coaching inn. All offer excellent food and drink.

Admiral Rodney and The Talbot.


Martley has a school based educational tradition stretching back centuries, see History of Schools. Today this continues at Martley C of E Primary School and Chantry High (to 5th form), the latter reporting among the best results in the county.

Associated with Chantry High, Sport Martley opens its doors to the public outside of school hours; go there for all manner of fitness including machines training, a climbing wall and ball games. Martley sports field is home to football and cricket.

Readers Comments

2 Responses ... “Amenities”

  1. D Cox says:

    How much would it be to hire Martley Memorial Village Hall for a child’s birthday party in August please?

  2. Malcolm Freeman says:

    Some of my ancestors were educated at the local school.the surname is Freeman .How can I obtain any records .Regards Malcolm Freeman